Great success of participation for the final event of the  MIDA project, winner of the Business + Innovation + Work” award.

Held April 9th at the headquarters of the lead company Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche in Florence, the event saw the MIDA project Tuscan partners presenting the results in front of a large audience.

Speakers included representatives of Mecoil Diagnosi Meccaniche, Resolvo and KKT, introduced the technical specifications and the future prospects of the prototype MIDA.

Also present Gian Luca Lazzeri of the Tuscany Region, who presented the Business + Innovation + Work”  Award and the initiatives of the Tuscany Region to promote innovation in SMEs.

Finally, another Manunet project has been presented, SOLE-CUT, thanks to the presentation of the Tuscan leader Magenta srl.

MIDA: Great success for the final presentation