Tempus fugit
Usually this Latin expression is veiled with regret, as we humans perceive the passing of events to be too fast, to the point that we are not able to keep track of them.

In our case, the “first ten years” spent at the new Mecoil headquarters were instead a rich succession of meetings, research activities, conferences, and the usual routine of the laboratory.
A “routine” that would sometimes become a hectic activity (but always under careful control, especially for the purposes of Safety), in continuous expansion (both in Quality and Quantity), thanks to our available wide spaces. We are talking about well-ventilated, bright environments (skylights integrate pleasantly with the artificial lights) suitable for the men and women who frequent them either daily as employees or as guests, for training Courses on our specific disciplines.

A pleasant habitat (without the hassle of finding parking), surrounded by a lovely green area, made even more “sustainable” thanks to the installation of solar power panels on the roof, capable of meeting most of our energy needs.
We will wait for you to visit us for a coffee and a chat, not just about technical work.