Let’s meet together in Mid West, the real “heart” for industrial network, and the services related. This is the classic appointment that Noria Ldt and his partners set up for updating the Maintenance people, about improvements in reliability and predictive strategies.

Mecoil decided to attend the conference with a speech by M. Paoli “Innovative Sampling Technology and Best Practice”. This has been rated as one of the best presentations of the whole show about our patented sampling devices, UCVD , from now on distributed through Frances Honeycutt by RelyAssist LLC under SIMPLO brand in USA & Canada. Many visitors joined  Frances Honeycutt with the help of Ilaria Marsili Libelli, our business developer manager at the booth to follow demonstrations on how practical, easy & clean is SIMPLO device in use. Great event, thank you folks for attending Noria meeting.

COLUMBUS to discover: cleaning and simple sampling procedures…